This website has been created through collective efforts as I come forward to finally share my aikido story. My personal story is painful to sit with and aims to have leaders and organizations become aware of and accountable for what happens inside dojos. The pages on this #metooaikido website are designed to share my story and reach out to others struggling with any sexual abuse within their aikido communities.
Included are resources that have made an impact on my life or recommendations from close friends and professionals. This website has been created with a lot of support and selfless service from aikido instructors, aikido practitioners, and mental health professionals. Together, with educating ourselves, we can have healthier dojo environments and seminars. When you send a message through the contact page on this website, please be aware that initially only I am replying to emails. There is no organization or group of individuals, but I hope to build up a team according to the need.
All correspondence will be confidential. This website is a dream for a better world, better dojos, and collective awareness that each person needs to do the personal work to understand how abuse happens. Let’s take steps to stop perpetuating the abuse.
Please keep in mind that if you need immediate attention, please contact Rape Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) or 800.656.HOPE(4673).
Neilu Naini, 6th dan, Shidoin